Monday, November 25, 2013

23 Tips for Blogging Musicians

1. Keep it simple: don't make the process any more complicated than it needs to be. Keep it simple, keep it relevant, and keep it on-point.
2. Make a list: make a list of your interests, topics you'd like to talk about, titles, and other creative ideas. Keep jotting down new ideas as they come to you.
3. Post frequently: keep posting to keep the content on your blog fresh. Add new posts regularly.

4. Make it predictable: let your readers know when you'll be posting new content. Stick to a consistent schedule.
5. Schedule a time to do it: if you use a paper agenda or digital calendar, set aside some time in your schedule for blogging.
6. Make it good: people can tell when you're not putting your best foot forward. Make your posts interesting and engaging.
7. Warm up: some people like to warm up before they start writing a post they're going to be publishing to their site. Write in a journal to get your creative juices flowing.
8. Experiment: try different things and actually take note of what works. Blogging looks a little different for every person. Find your identity as a blogger.
9. Keep writing: you will get better over time. Don't give up prematurely. Keep writing, keep publishing, and keep creating.
10. Infuse your personality: be real. Show people who you really are. You don't have to get your readers agree with everything you say. Show your personality.
11. Use keywords: make your content more discoverable by adding relevant keywords, but don't spam. Write your posts for people, not for search engines.
12. Use compelling headlines: use attention-grabbing headlines for your posts. If you make any kind of promise, deliver in the content.
13. Use lists: use lists, like the one you're reading now. People like useful, relevant and actionable tips.
14. Write exclusive content: as part of your content marketing strategy, write posts that are unique to your own site. Don't merely copy what others have done.
15. Write about what interests you: find topics that interest you besides music (or related to music) and write about those.
16. Give progress reports: if you're currently working on a project like an album or a music video, begin writing progress reports and frequently update your fans with the latest information. Build excitement by uncovering new details a little bit at a time.
17. Guest post: write posts for other blogs and drive traffic back to your website. Make sure to include a short author bio and a link back to your blog.
18. Use pictures: use pictures in your blog posts. They are known to engage well. Images tend to add a lot to the theme of the post.
19. Use video: if you're in the habit of creating video content, cross-post it to your blog. Use the same title as the video for your post, and add a few additional insights.
20. Discuss current events: draw on trending events to increase your relevancy. Add your own perspective or compare a particular event to your projects.
21. Share stories: storytelling is powerful. Share inside jokes, weird occurrences, happy news and sad stories with your fans.
22. Interact: if someone leaves a relevant comment on your blog, make sure to interact with them. Continue to talk with anybody that leaves a comment.
23. Promote your content: use your social profiles to get your content out there. This will speed up the indexing of your content, and you will also be able to reach more people with your posts.

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