Sunday, September 29, 2013

How to Improve Your Voice in 15 Minutes a Day

If you are finding time to practice a major hurdle then I have, as your singing coach; 5 simple ways to improve your voice in only 15 minutes a day.
Practice problems are one of the major reasons people stop singing over and above finances. In fact, when we are seeing improvements, setting goals and achieving them we'll walk over hot coals to keep going!
But what if you don't know how to practice? Or it has become stale and boring? You'll never know if you are getting it and that's when the love affair grows cold...
These 5 simple tips put into action will see you racing onto greater vocal heights in less time than you think.
1) Set the time, place and date:
You can do this 2 ways either carve out a set 15 min time slot daily, at roughly the same time and in the same place if you can (the car doesn't count - you're worth more than that!) or chunk it to a 30 min 3 x a week again on set days, time and place. At the end of the week you will have practiced for a whopping 1hr 3/4!!

2) Write a weekly plan:
Take 5 mins of your 1st practice day to write a plan for the week. What areas do you want to focus on? Day 1 - keeping the vowel shape, Day 2 - Starting your first notes better etc. Resist trying to get it all right in one go -The cure for perfectionism is little and often, knowing that repetition is key to improvement. This will improve your awareness of what you are feeling instead of getting caught up in negative self talk.
3) Pick 1 or 2 exercises only:
Use 1 or 2 exercises and do each one 5-10 times, each time aiming to look to make 1 improvement. Multitasking is a myth! Use a mirror too. Get into a deeper relationship with your own sound if you want better control of it.
4) Learn songs in sections:
Use your weekly plan to chunk down your learning. Verse 1 -day1; Verse 2 - day 2, Chorus - day 3; end ad-libs - day; Days 4-6 repeat; Day 7 - Sing it through. Be disciplined! By doing it little and often just focusing on 1 section and forgetting lyrics will be a thing of the past!
5) JFDI!
Just friggin' do it! - Improve your voice, your practice and your confidence - that is!
Do it NOW!
Imagine how you are going to feel after your first week.

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