A lot of people think that it's very hard to compose and record a
hit song. In this article I'll give you just a few tips anyone can
follow to write a hit song which appeals to a large audience and has a
fantastic commercial potential.
1. Make up a catchy tune. The
easiest way to do it is to listen to a few popular songs and copy the
chord progression. Change the melody and rhythm to your liking, but make
sure it is simple and has a lot of repetition.
2. Your song needs
to have a disco rhythm. To do this, you can use a program like Fruity
Loops with the Ezdrummer plugin. In the Ezdrummer plugin, select the
drum pattern to which people can actually dance. Disco usually employs a
semi-quaver hi-hat pattern with an open hi-hat on the off-beat.
3. Once your drum beat is ready, load it to ProTools or similar program.
4. Grab your electric guitar and record it over the drum track using an M-Audio Fast Track interface or similar.